photo of woman brushing her dog

how to groom your puppy

how to groom your puppy

When it comes how to groom your puppy, the most important thing is to be consistent with it, so they get used to the process. Puppies catch on to things very quickly in the beginning. Therefore, it is important to expose them to things like baths, nail trimmings, brushing, and ear cleaning. By engaging consistently in these activities with your puppy, you are not only keeping them clean and healthy but also providing them with an important training opportunity!


While grooming your puppy, keep in mind how he is acting. Is your puppy jumping up and putting its feet on the edge of the tub? Is your puppy barking and biting at the nail clippers or blow dryer? While these things may seem cute as an 8 or 9-week-old puppy, you can rest assured it will not be cute when it is 1 or 2 years old! During the first few weeks or months of grooming your puppy, it is important to establish rules and train it on how he should act. Keeping this in mind from an early age will benefit you greatly down the road!


Bathing your puppy in the beginning is important, and you should aim to do it at least once a week, even if they aren’t dirty. It’ll help your puppy adjust to the idea of bath time. When bathing, try teaching your pup to sit in the tub or sink without jumping up. After being bathed, you will want to towel dry them and finish with the blow dryer. Some puppies can be very scared of the blow dryer, so you may want to expose them to it slowly. You can also hold the puppy in your lap and reassure them that they are safe. Make sure that you use puppy shampoo and not people shampoo since people products have a different PH level that will dry out your puppy’s skin and coat.

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If your puppy is going to have long hair as an adult, you should get it used to being brushed and combed right away. A good time to do this is when it is tired after playing. When your puppy is lying on the floor, you can sit down next to it and begin brushing. Some puppies love it, and some hate it! If your puppy hates it, you will want to do it even more and reward it while you are brushing. It is important that puppies become very comfortable with being brushed to prevent their hair from matting. Be sure to brush their entire body, including behind the ears, under the legs, and under the tail. Areas that tend to get matted quickly are under the front legs and behind the ears.


It is essential that your puppies’ feet get used to being touched. Many dogs grow up disliking having their feet touched, making it very challenging to trim their nails. One way to ensure that they enjoy having their paws touched is by firmly but gently massaging each toe while holding them. You can do this at night while watching TV or when they are sleepy after playing. Continue to rub the paw while holding it as you would if you were clipping the nails. When you go to trim your puppies’ nails, look for the quick. This is the spot where the blood capillaries start. If you cut too close, the nail will bleed. Once you identify the quick, trim the nail, stopping just before it.


Another important factor to consider when grooming your puppy is to make sure you clean their ears. Dogs’ ears can have a lot of wax build-up, so it’s essential to clean them at least once a month. To help loosen the wax deep down, you will need to use an ear cleaner. Simply squirt the liquid into the ear and use a cotton pad or toilet paper to wipe away the wax and excess ear solution. If you notice a bad smell coming from your dog’s ears or if they frequently scratch their ears, it’s important to take them to the vet for a check-up to see if they have an infection.


Taking good care of your dog’s dental health is vital to help them avoid tooth loss and other health problems. To keep your dog’s teeth healthy and clean, it is best to start brushing their teeth early on and make it a routine throughout their life. Make sure to use toothpaste designed specifically for dogs, and never use human toothpaste! You can find dog toothpaste at your local pet store or ask your vet for recommendations. Giving your dog appropriate bones to chew on can also help remove plaque and tartar from their teeth, but it is always wise to ask your vet about the best bones for your dog based on their size and dietary restrictions. By taking good care of your dog’s teeth, you are helping them stay healthy and happy for years to come!